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  • Writer's pictureDr Lila Moore, All Rights Reserved

Resonances of Communitas - Art Exhibition

Poster of Transpersonal Art Exhibition Alef Trust Creative Bridges Conference, Oxford University Sep. 4-8, 2024
Transpersonal Selves by Lila Moore

Exhibition Abstract by Dr Lila Moore

Transpersonal Art offers profound ways of exploring the sublime, transcendent, imaginal and visionary realms. Artists, therapists, and creatives in various fields use transpersonal lenses, which are unique perspectives that go beyond the ego of the individual self, to creatively express, embody, and integrate a variety of altered states of consciousness, dreams, and transformative experiences. Transpersonal Art serves as a creative bridge towards healing and wholeness, connecting the one with the many, the partial with the whole, the inner and the outer worlds, ensouling material existence. Transpersonal stance in art and creative practice is an aesthetic opportunity, a bridge to innovation, and a source of out-of-the-box ideas with potentially paradigm-shifting socio-cultural impact.

The Transpersonal Art exhibition offers a participatory experience rooted in the awareness that transpersonal experience does not occur in the mind alone. Transpersonal art involves engaging with noetic archetypes and the life of the body, the senses, and the soul and weaving subjective and collective phenomena. The exhibition displays artworks in various mediums and art films that invite the audience to explore and reflect. The artworks invoke the divine feminine, the spirit of pilgrimage and communitas, and inspire our bond with Gaia, the Earth and our cosmic planetary environment.

Resonances of Communitas, a concept that refers to the intense community spirit, a feeling of great social equality, solidarity, and togetherness, was an art exhibition consisting of works produced by Alef Trust's students and lecturers, open learners, and Eurotas members. It reflected creatively and aesthetically on the conference's themes.

The exhibition took place at the Alef Trust- Creative Bridges Conference, Oxford University, 4-8, September, 2024


Lila Moore

Inna Dulerayn

Rainbow Goddess

Regina U Hess

Na Zhang

Maria Prieto

Standing next to my augmented reality prints and artfilms (Dr Lila Moore, Creative Bridges, Oxford University, 2024)

Resonances of Communitas Art Exhibition Creative Bridges Conference Alef Trust Oxford University , Lila Moore, Inna Dulerayn
Resonances of Communitas Art Exhibition Creative Bridges Conference Alef Trust Oxford University , Lila Moore, Inna Dulerayn

Resonances of Communitas Art Exhibition Creative Bridges Conference Alef Trust Oxford University , Rainbow Goddess


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